Collaboration Board

Full-stack Web Developer

Developed a web application alongside one other programmer that functions as a kanban board with integrated chat services on the kanban cards for localized collaboration. Skills utilized include working with React, Next.js, TypeScript, and Tailwind CSS for frontend development alongside Express.js, WebSockets, and PostgreSQL for backend development.

Our project statement for this application was as follows:

“Our application is a website that provides users with an all-in-one option for collaborative projects. Our application allows users to make their own topics, issues, and goals as cards on a board, and then categorize those cards into columns. The main appeal of our application over other Kanban board solutions such as Trello is the inclusion of an integrated chat feature on every card. This allows for simplified live collaboration between team members and leads to an intuitive organization of project-related discussions. Instead of having to search for hours through the team’s development channel on Slack or Teams, all discussions related to an issue will be stored on the issue’s card itself, making it easy to join ongoing tasks and coordinate with team members working on the same task.”