Jest or Die

Lead Designer, Programmer

Worked on a team of nine with other artists, writers, sound designers, game designers, and programmers to create a team management game. Developed in Unity over the course of 48 hours. I primarily focused on designing the mechanics with the team, planning the main game loop, implementing the audition and item screen behaviors, and maintaining communication between the programmers and the rest of the team. Submitted for the Global Game Jam in 2024.

Sample Work - Jester Objects

Almost all of the gameplay in this game revolved around the jesters, who each had their own sprites, personalities, voice lines, audio clips, and more related data. These jesters needed to be put together by the entire team, as artists needed to add sprites, writers needed to add lines, and programmers needed to add gameplay-related attributes and variables. As such, we needed a flexible solution that was simple for non-programmers to interact with.

Since we were going to need to create a lot of jesters and wanted them to be consistent, I created a Jester Scriptable Object that all of the team members could create instances of whenever a new jester was completed. This allowed us to easily organize all of the jester data in the game, as it was all being stored in the Jester Scriptable Object instances. These jester objects were also set up to use lists so they could be modified to hold additional data, such as extra voice lines to randomly select from and a list of humor values to use when grading their performances.