QU IPE Escape Room
Working on a team of three with a 2D/3D artist and another programmer to create a virtual edition of an in-person escape room for students with healthcare-focused majors at Quinnipiac University. The escape room focuses on various medical roles, positions, and responsibilities, and encourages teamwork among students of different majors and backgrounds. Developed in Unity using Unity’s Netcode for GameObjects for client-server communication and RPC protocols.
This game won the “Best Serious Game” award at the Quinnipiac GDD Showcase in 2024.
Sample Work - Viewing 3D Objects
A key part of the puzzles from the physical escape room that we were attempting to recreate was the ability to closely inspect physical objects in the escape room, such as pill bottles, books, dominoes, and more. We were able to easily model the objects to include all of the necessary details, but allowing the player to freely manipulate and rotate the objects proved to be a bit more difficult, as the objects needed to exist separately for each player.
To allow the players to freely manipulate the objects in the scene, I started by setting up a base DraggableObject script which would allow us to use inheritance to create the specific types of 3D objects the player would be interacting with, such as the dominoes and pill bottles. On this DraggableObject script, I included a method to create a copy of the object outside of the room for the player to view and manipulate individually. This copy would then have a separate camera set up outside of the room that would render the copy they were inspecting live to the UI elements as they rotated it using a RawImage and RenderTexture.
Once this copy was properly set up and configured, we could then simply check if the object was a copy and only handle rotation for the copied objects. This allows us to keep the original object on the table in its starting orientation while still allowing players to “pick up” and freely inspect the object from different angles as well.